
The world's most beautiful fish

List of 10 species of fish best in the world based on his criteria varied colors, shapes and prices ... affordable.

10. African Cichlids

The fish were found in three lakes of Africa: Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria. In Lake Victoria this species is less and the number of colors also usually less colorful than the other lakes.

Fish Cichlids usually grow up to body length from 15 to 18cm, live in freshwater and easily kept in aquarium. It should be noted that these fish need water to a pH higher than normal. In the Amazon basin are also some fish Cichlids, but they are usually bigger and more aggressive than African brothers.

9. Parrotfish (parrotfish)

Names such as this fish has a mouth like the beak. Parrotfish use mine to crush coral and eat small invertebrate animals.

8. Regal Tang (fin spines)

After the animated film "Finding Nemo" premiere, this species is often called the baby "Dory fish."

7. Coral Beauty (beautiful coral reefs)

Must have a close look can see all the gorgeous fish. Coral Beautyco high stamina and easily kept in tanks.

6. Flame Angel (Angel Fire)

Like the Coral Beauty, this species is common and affordable.

5. Koi (Japanese carp)

Most species of Koi carp are only orange or white. These are special types of patterns are the hunters and collectors pay thousands of dollars.

4. Moorish Idol

This is one of the expensive and difficult to breed fish in one tank

3. Lionfish (lion fish)

Lionfish, also known as the zebrafish (zebrafish) makes it feel like a charm every time watching. The spines on the back of this fish is toxic, so hobbyists are still very careful when cleaning the tank.

2. Discus (fish drives)

Discus is probably the most beautiful species in all freshwater fish, as well as one of the most expensive freshwater fish, just behind the Koi.

1. Mandarinfish (Status of raw fish)

This fish eat the microorganisms living in the coral rock, so farmers have to kick the tank at least a month before releasing the fish.


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